Hi! We’re gonna look at higher-rank and higher-kinded types, specifically in Haskell but I will try to cover the concept as generically as possible.

Two types of “Polymorphism” in Haskell

  • Parametric Polymorphism
  • Ad-hoc Polymorphism (also known as typeclass)

A function is parametrically polymorphic if it behaves uniformly for all types, in at least one of its type parameters

Couple of examples could be -

a. Simple swap function

swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
swap (x, y) = (y, x)

b. Not-so-simple len function

-- Maps each element to a 1, then sums up all the elements
len :: [a] -> Integer
len = sum . map (\_ -> 1)

The idea is, you want these functions to work for all values of a or b. The function swap will swap elements regardless of their types, and function len returns the length of a list no matter of what is in that list.

This is also what we call generics in Java or templates in C++ - but it was first introduced in Ocaml, Standard ML and the kinds.

Now what if we need a way to write an unique a function which accepts any type for which a computation/operation is possible and we need to provide a specific implementation for each case. This is ad-hoc polymorphism and we use typelasses in Haskell to implement this.

Everyone loves demonstrating this with area function example so let’s do that. Also, the Show, Ord, Eq typeclasses are inherited by free from parametric polymorphism.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

class Area t where
  area :: t -> Float

instance Area Square where
  area (Square s) = s * s

instance Area Rectangle where
  area (Rectangle a b) = a * b

Conclusively - If your function does not care about input type, or need any context about them, then parametric polymorphism is the way to go, else use ad-hoc polymorphism and add implementation for each type.

For this part, we only need to focus on PARAMETRIC POLYMORPHISM Moving on..

(Not-so) Fun fact time Since Haskell’s type-system is based on Hindley-Milner also commonly known as let-bound polymorphism implies using let or where bound indentifiers are polymorphic, but lambda-bound identifiers are monomorphic. More info here - Haskell - Type Pitfalls

Higher-rank types

In most languages, polymorphic functions are first-class values ; by defintion, can be stored in variables and passed to functions. But in Haskell, they are not. Higher rank types , or as they’re called RankNTypes in Haskell are used to make polymorphic functions first-class, just like regular (monomorphic) functions.

RankNTypes does this by introducting forall argument to the function type.

--- Illegal Foo!
foo :: (Int, Char)
foo = (\f -> (f 1, f 'a')) id

The above function foo can be fixed by -

  • binding f with let or where (using let-bound polymorphism)

    foo :: (Int, Char)
    foo = let f = id
         in (f 1, f 'a')
  • using RankNTypes extension

    {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    foo :: (Int, Char)
    foo = (\(f :: forall a. a -> a) -> (f 1, f 'a')) id

To be honest, this does not usually come up in Haskell, or any statically typed language because supporting higher-rank types make type inference undecidable - Typability and type checking in System F are equivalent and undecidable. Ryan Scott’s blog does a great job at explaining why working with Higher-rank Kinds is a bit tedious, but it is also a great resource for someone wanting to explore this further. The surprising rigidness of higher-rank kinds.

Higher-kinded types

Also known as type of types or type operators .. but is it really?

Higher-kinded types are really common in Haskell (vs higher-rank types). Commonly known as Functor or Monad - they are popular examples of higher-kinded polymorphism.

As Stephen Diehl mentions - kind of an ordinary type is usually written as *, and type constructors (unary type operators) have kind * -> *

To make it simpler to understand -

  • The kind * is also known as ground, or 0th order.
  • Any kind of the form * -> * -> ... -> * with at least one arrow is first-order.
  • A higher-order kind is one that has a “nested arrow on the left”, e.g., (* -> *) -> *.

We can look at some commonly used defintions -

  • Maybe

    Maybe : Type->Type

    Since, we cannot get a type from type constructor, we can get a kind . Therefore,

    λ> :k Maybe
    Maybe :: * -> *
  • Shape

    data Shape f = Shape (f ())
    [(), (), ()] :: Shape List

    Which you can further divide into Traversables and break it down into further components.

Next, we will look at a basic definition of class Functor

class Functor f where
    fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

fmap changes the type parameter of an f from a to b but does not change f. If we use fmap over a list, we get a list (etc). These are compile-time guarantees (revisited later).

Two questions here -

  • Can’t we just use function overloading instead?
  • What if we simply convert our types to Seq and do whatever we want with it?

Well, that’s correct. Additionally if you have a type which supports conversion to and from Seq you get map by reusing Seq.map.

Why do we need a Functor class? First, functor classes allow you to implement fmap for types which do not support conversion to and from Seq like - IO actions, functions, etc. Therefore, making the concept of mapping very sequence-agnostic.

As we have seen previously the two functor laws -

  • fmap id xs == xs : mapping with an identity/noop function is the same as doing nothing
  • fmap f (fmap g xs) = fmap (f . g) xs : any result that you can produce by mapping twice, you can also produce by mapping once

Which is why, its important for fmap to maintain the static, compile time guarantees of preserving types.

So if we try to define functor class over IO - we get :

instance Functor IO where
    fmap f action =
        do x <- action
           return (f x)

newtype Function a b = Function (a -> b)

instance Functor (Function a) where
    fmap f (Function g) = Function (f . g)

Another popular usage is seen in lambda calculus, where Alg has kind (* -> *) -> * -> * enabling us to write recursion schemes on top of datatypes.

data Alg f a = Alg (f a -> a)

In languages like Java, you cannot write

class ClassExample<T, a> {
    T<a> function()

In Haskell T would have kind *->*, but a Java type (i.e. class) cannot have a type parameter of that kind, a higher-kinded type.

Personally, I feel these concepts are better understood from the perspective of lambda calculus, parametric polymorphism with higher-rank types as System F, and higher-kinded types as System Fω using type operators λω. Hopefully we can cover that in future.

Big thanks for Stephan Boyer as I shamelessly adapted his format for Haskell. If you’d like to read his blog - please find it here
